This is a very useful circuit diagram because these days there are lots of crimes in every where.So I suppose this would be an answer for your matter.Here I have used common Transistor BC107.After fixing this circuit switch on s1 and adjust R2 until the horn makes sound.Then switch off the s1 .Now if some one broke the thin wire the horn will make a sound.You can cover your garden with this circuit
# Build this circuit on a PCB
#Don't supply more than 12V
# Use very thin wire to get good results
Please, I have not understood well how this circuit works. Please help to elaborate more. Also what happens if my garden (house) has more than one entry point lets say they are four
If we disconnect the wire it will activate the circuit.And you can use the same wire for your each entrance.
HI, my question is that if i will use this circuit in 48v(600aH) DC battery seriese connection(each battery have 2V & connected in series). in such a way that if any one disconnected the series then this alarm is generated or not. if not, then guide me for correct circuit
Thanks man I have the Layuot ready
Thanks for sharing such a great research in this blog. I am looking forward to read some more of your information from your blog, keep blogging and thanks again.
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