some persons asked simple radio circuit diagrams.Here you can see very simple circuit diagram.When I tested this my first time I enjoyed very much.When the signals are coming you can here some sounds like ne ne nee nic nee nee nee nee.so test this and enjoy.
# Don't use more than 4.5V
# Build this on a pcb
#If the signals don't come move the main coil here and there then you can here some sounds.
# Firstly this circuit was designed by Elmer G. Osterhoudt in the early 30's
This is a bit confusing. Can u help me?
Where would the + and - terminals from the power source be connected?
How many turns should be on the coil?
Is the coil tapped in the middle as the diagram suggests? thanks
1) Yes this is taped at the middle( after turning 1/3 )
2) According to the Gage that you use and according to the turns that you turn the frequencies are changed.L1: about 30-35 feet of 22-gauge enamel wire.
3)This circuit doesn't need battery power it runs with the power of radio waves
I would really like your post ,it would really explain each and every point clearly well thanks for sharing.
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Wao Amazing Blog i like it soo much very nic blog
I Like It
dear sir,
what should be connected to J1.please replay me fast.
thank you
J1 is a headphone jack you can jack your head pone jack for there.
what is mean by D1, C1, C3, C2, L1 and J1..?
please give meaning of these.
yes it help me..thanks for sharing such a useful information
plz tell me to were connect + & -
and also tell me about no of turn of L1 in detail
you can run this circuit with out a battery
sir can i use battery
you mentioned not to use more than 4.5 volts. but where i should connect the + and - terminal?