This is a ding dong bell circuit diagram.I have attached this circuit for my house.Even you can use this circuit as an sound generator.When we buy this circuit from the market we have to spend much money but now you can build this your self.Here I have used common Ic Ne 555 and you can operate this circuit with 9V power supply.
# Build this circuit on a pcb
# use 9V power supply to power this circuit
# When you deal with 230V be careful
thanks for your sharing
thi truong bat dong san
i have a doubt, pls find time to answer me as quick as possible. when ever i went to shop to buy any resistor, to do any circuit. they ask me "do you want 1/2 volt or 1/4 volt" for any resistor. what do they mean by that? and which one should i buy. because most of the people doesn't say anythings like this on there circuit diagram except Ohm.
When you use a resistor you must use it according to the suitable W.because when you use a low w resistor some times it will burn but when you use a resistor with high w you can get a high power without any matter.