Almost all liquidator type mosquito repellers are rated 5Watts.It is a pretty energy consuming game when these repellers are operated through out the night.Even though these liquidators are switched ON and OFF in discrete intervals there will be no considerable loss in the effectiveness,and more over there will be a great saving of energy.Then why can’t we do that and that’s why I designed this circuit.

The circuit is nothing but an astable multivibrator designed of IC NE 555 (IC1) operates in a frequency determined by the values of R1 and C2.When the power is switched on the out put of the IC goes high .This makes Q1 to conducts and the relay connects the mains supply to the repeller plugged in the socket shown.After the set time theout put of the IC goes low and now the repeller is removed from mains by the relay.This cycle repeats and the repeller will be switched On and OFF in frequent intervals,saving a lot of power.Diodes D2,D3 forms a half wave rectifier with C1 as the filter,supplies the circuit with power .
* Assemble the circuit on a good quality common board or PCB.
* The intervals of ON and OFF can be adjusted by varying Preset R1.
* Some parts of the circuit are live with potential shock hazard.Be carefu
While saving energy for individual devices like this mosquito repeller can be a good goal. It helps to take a more holistic approach when trying to conserve energy. My family started using a power saver and it cut our power bill drastically. I hope this helps you!
This is a very good idea. I have found a energy saver designed on the same principle by a US company called "Bravo Solutions". it's called "Bravo KillerWatt" and that can also control the fridges, Freezers, ACs and Fans in the same way.
have a look